Monday, 13 May 1940 - Collapse
The day after decision day would show the collapse of the two main fronts in the Netherlands.
In the south of Fortress Holland [at the Island of Dordrecht] the German 9th Tank Division had reached and penetrated the Fortress. They would advance in the direction of the besieged city of Rotterdam.
In the heart of the Dutch outer-defences - at the Grebbeline - the Germans were about to launch the final push against the last remaining defences at the Grebbeberg. Another division-strength attack was planned at the small city of Scherpenzeel. Dutch defeat at either these locations would mean the collapse of the entire Grebbeline and force the Dutch to retreat onto the eastern-front of the Waterline. Although a certain level of defence could still be maintained thereafter, the loss of both the south front Fortress Holland and the Grebbeline were each to itself a near fatal blow to the Dutch defence-system and strategy. At the end of the fourth day the country would be mortally wounded ...
Part I describes the fights and battles in the south and in the Fortress Holland itself. Part II concentrates on the events in the central sector and the north, the Royal Family, the airforce missions of this fourth day and the summary of the day.
« Summary